Technical Science-y Stuff (Continuing Education)

Quality Reading related to Coaching and Programming

It is vital that whatever coach or program you choose, know the latest training methods and the history of training. You do not want someone who is just out there using anecdotal evidence and "bro science" as their basis.  While knowledge of those is good, having a great comprehension of the training advancements of the last 100 years, plus all the new studies published each year, you want to make sure your coaches and programming continue to provide you with the best possible support and guidance to reach your goals!  

This page outlines some books that are constantly utilized by T.H.E. coaches in the principles and methodologies of their training.  This page will be continually updated as more continuing education books and technical papers are reviewed.  If you follow T.H.E. programming or individualized coaching, you will constantly see several of these philosophies, structures, and methodologies used.  Here are some of the books to start you out, if you would like to read them for a more complete background on the backbone of T.H.E. programming, included here is a synopsis by Anthony Peressini of each book:

Triphasic Training: A systematic approach to elite speed and explosive strength performance - By Cal Dietz and Ben Peterson

Synopsis by: Anthony Peressini, PE

"Triphasic Training: A systematic approach to elite speed and explosive strength performance" by Cal Dietz and Ben Peterson.

"Triphasic Training" introduces a unique training methodology designed to optimize athletic performance by focusing on three distinct phases of muscle contraction: eccentric, isometric, and concentric. The authors, Cal Dietz and Ben Peterson, present a systematic approach that emphasizes proper sequencing and periodization to enhance speed, power, and rate of force production (RFD).

The book begins by explaining the scientific principles behind each phase of muscle action. The eccentric phase involves muscle lengthening, the isometric phase involves muscle contraction without movement, and the concentric phase involves muscle shortening. Dietz and Peterson emphasize the significance of training all three phases to develop well-rounded athletes.

One of the central concepts in the book is the importance of RFD, which refers to the ability to generate force rapidly. The authors argue that maximizing RFD is crucial for athletic performance, as it is directly related to speed, power, and explosiveness. They provide detailed explanations and examples of exercises and training methods aimed at improving RFD in each phase of muscle action.

"Triphasic Training" also emphasizes the significance of proper programming and periodization. The authors guide readers through the process of designing training programs that effectively incorporate the triphasic approach. They discuss exercise selection, volume and intensity considerations, and the strategic sequencing of exercises and phases to optimize results.

Throughout the book, Dietz and Peterson provide practical examples and case studies from their extensive experience working with elite athletes across various sports. They outline specific training protocols and progressions for different athletic goals, including speed development, strength improvement, and injury prevention.

Additionally, the book delves into the importance of individualization and adaptation. The authors stress the need to tailor training programs to the specific needs and capabilities of each athlete, considering factors such as sport-specific demands, training age, and injury history.

"Triphasic Training" is a comprehensive resource for strength coaches, personal trainers, and athletes looking to enhance their speed, power, and explosive strength. It combines scientific principles, practical applications, and real-world examples to provide a systematic and effective approach to training. By incorporating the triphasic methodology and focusing on optimizing RFD, athletes can aim to reach their full athletic potential.

In Hybrid Fitness, this is vital because with all the different modalities the athlete needs to be able to produce speed, power, and explosive strength in varying ways.  Using this methodology can allow athletes to switch from running to burpees to pushing a sled and back to running and wall balls rapidly without losing intensity.  RFD throughout all major muscles in the body can be maximized through several cycles of this training type.  

When adapting the "Triphasic Training" methodology to a runner, a coach would need to consider the specific needs and goals of the individual athlete. Here are some key considerations for incorporating the triphasic approach into a runner's training program:

Remember, it is essential to work closely with the runner and communicate regularly to ensure their needs are met, and the program is tailored to their specific goals and abilities. The "Triphasic Training" methodology can be a valuable tool for improving speed, power, and rate of force production in runners when adapted appropriately.

Olympic Weightlifting: A complete guide for Athletes & Coaches - By Greg Everett

Synopsis by: Anthony Peressini, PE

"Olympic Weightlifting: A Complete Guide for Athletes & Coaches" by Greg Everett is a comprehensive book that serves as a valuable resource for anyone involved in the sport of Olympic weightlifting. Whether you are an athlete aspiring to excel in the sport or a coach seeking to refine your coaching methodologies, this book provides a wealth of information, technical guidance, and programming considerations.

Greg Everett begins by providing in-depth technical instruction for the two primary lifts in Olympic weightlifting: the snatch and the clean and jerk. He breaks down the movement patterns, positions, and key points of performance, offering step-by-step progressions, exercises, and cues to help athletes and coaches improve technique and efficiency.

The book covers various training methodologies and programming considerations specific to Olympic weightlifting. Everett delves into the principles of periodization, volume and intensity management, and the importance of progression and recovery. He offers insights into planning long-term training cycles, competition preparation, and effective tapering strategies.

Given the demands of Olympic weightlifting, the book explores the specific strength and power requirements necessary for success. Everett presents exercises and training protocols aimed at developing the required attributes, including squats, pulls, overhead pressing, and assistance exercises. He highlights the importance of accessory work and assistance exercises to address individual weaknesses and improve overall performance.

The sport of Olympic weightlifting requires a high level of mobility and flexibility. The book provides a comprehensive guide to improving joint mobility, thoracic extension, hip mobility, and ankle flexibility through specific mobility exercises, stretches, and warm-up routines. Everett underscores the correlation between mobility and efficient lifting technique.

Addressing common technical errors, Everett offers guidance on how to identify and correct them. He provides practical solutions for issues related to bar path, timing, grip, footwork, and receiving positions, helping athletes and coaches refine their movements and optimize performance.

Preparing for weightlifting competitions requires a specific approach, and the book guides athletes and coaches through this process. Everett covers topics such as selecting appropriate opening attempts, warm-up strategies, mental preparation, and competition-day tactics to maximize performance and achieve optimal results.

Recognizing the significance of proper nutrition and recovery for weightlifters, the book includes guidelines for fueling workouts, optimizing performance, and supporting recovery through adequate sleep, hydration, and nutrition. This holistic approach emphasizes the importance of a well-rounded lifestyle to complement training efforts.

Everett addresses injury prevention strategies specific to weightlifting, including prehabilitation exercises and mobility work. The book also offers guidance on rehabilitating common weightlifting-related injuries, ensuring athletes can safely return to training and minimize setbacks. Acknowledging the mental aspects of weightlifting, the book delves into topics such as focus, confidence, and goal setting. Everett provides strategies to overcome performance anxiety, develop a positive mindset for training and competition, and unlock an athlete's full potential.

"Olympic Weightlifting: A Complete Guide for Athletes & Coaches" serves as an invaluable resource for weightlifters and coaches at all levels. By offering technical instruction, programming guidance, and insights into the physical and mental aspects of the sport, Greg Everett equips readers with the tools they need to master Olympic weightlifting. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced practitioner, this book provides a comprehensive roadmap to improve strength, technique, and overall performance in the captivating world of Olympic weightlifting.

When applying the principles from from this book to hybrid fitness sports like Hyrox, which combine elements of functional fitness and endurance, several considerations can be made:

By adapting the principles from "Olympic Weightlifting: A Complete Guide for Athletes & Coaches" to hybrid fitness sports like Hyrox and DekaFit, athletes and coaches can enhance their overall strength, power, endurance, and technical proficiency. It is essential to tailor the training program to the specific demands of the events and prioritize well-rounded development to excel in these multi-faceted competitions.

Overcoming Gravity: A systematic approach to gymnastics and bodyweight strength, second edition - by Steven Low

Synopsis By: Anthony Peressini, PE

"Overcoming Gravity: A Systematic Approach to Gymnastics and Bodyweight Strength" by Steven Low is a comprehensive guidebook that serves as an invaluable resource for individuals seeking to master the art of bodyweight training. Whether you are a beginner looking to build a foundation or an experienced practitioner aiming to enhance your skills, this book offers a wealth of information, training methodologies, and practical guidance.

Steven Low begins by laying a strong foundation, emphasizing the principles of strength development, progression, and exercise selection in the fundamentals of bodyweight training. He highlights the importance of establishing a solid base of strength, mobility, and body awareness before progressing to more advanced exercises.

The book delves into gymnastics-based progressions for a wide range of bodyweight exercises, including push-ups, pull-ups, dips, handstands, and levers. Low provides detailed step-by-step progressions, regressions, and variations for each exercise, allowing readers to tailor their training to their skill level and individual needs.

"Overcoming Gravity" places a strong emphasis on skill acquisition and proper technique in gymnastics and bodyweight exercises. It covers drills, progressions, and specific training techniques to develop balance, coordination, body control, and fluidity of movement that are essential to skill development.

The book offers valuable insights into programming and periodization for bodyweight training. It explains how to structure training cycles, set goals, and manage training variables such as volume, intensity, and frequency to ensure progressive overload and avoid training plateaus. Low provides sample training templates and discusses various training splits suitable for different levels and goals.

"Overcoming Gravity" explores effective methods for developing strength using bodyweight exercises. It covers concepts such as progressive overload, isometric training, plyometrics, and advanced strength exercises like planche, front lever, and iron cross. The book provides strategies for improving strength in specific muscle groups and progressing towards more challenging movements.

Recognizing the importance of mobility and flexibility, the book offers a comprehensive overview of various stretching techniques, joint preparation exercises, and mobility drills. Low provides guidance on incorporating mobility work into training sessions to enhance range of motion and joint health.

"Overcoming Gravity" addresses strategies for injury prevention specific to bodyweight training. It discusses common injuries, their causes, and methods for preventing and rehabilitating them. The book provides guidance on prehabilitation exercises, recovery techniques, and injury management to ensure long-term training success.

The book highlights the significance of proper nutrition and recovery for optimal performance. It covers dietary considerations, macronutrient composition, hydration, sleep, stress management, and active recovery techniques to support training progress and overall well-being.

"Overcoming Gravity" emphasizes the importance of tracking progress and assessing performance. It provides guidance on goal setting, tracking workouts, and using tools such as strength tests, mobility assessments, and skill progressions to monitor progress and make informed adjustments to training.

Acknowledging the mental aspects of bodyweight training, the book offers strategies for building mental resilience, overcoming challenges, and maintaining motivation. It explores goal setting, visualization techniques, and mental preparation to optimize performance in bodyweight exercises.

"Overcoming Gravity: A Systematic Approach to Gymnastics and Bodyweight Strength" serves as an invaluable resource for individuals at all levels of bodyweight training. Steven Low's systematic approach, supported by scientific principles and practical guidance, provides a comprehensive framework for mastering gymnastics and bodyweight exercises. Whether you are a beginner seeking to build a foundation or an experienced athlete looking to gain an edge.

When applying the principles from this book to hybrid fitness sports like Hyrox and DekaFit which combine elements of functional fitness and endurance, several considerations can be made:

By adapting the principles from "Overcoming Gravity" to hybrid fitness sports like Hyrox and DekaFit athletes can enhance their bodyweight strength, skill acquisition, mobility, and overall performance. Tailor the training program to the specific demands of Hyrox events, integrating bodyweight exercises, functional movements, and endurance training to excel in these multi-disciplinary competitions.

The Science of Running - By Steve Magness

"The Science of Running" is a comprehensive and insightful book written by Steve Magness, a renowned coach, exercise scientist, and former collegiate runner. Published in 2014, the book delves deep into the scientific principles and training methodologies that underpin the sport of running, providing both athletes and coaches with a valuable resource for optimizing their performance.

The book is organized into several key sections, each of which explores a different aspect of running science and training:

Throughout "The Science of Running," Steve Magness combines his expertise as a coach and exercise scientist with real-world examples and case studies to illustrate key concepts. He emphasizes the importance of a holistic approach to training, taking into account the interplay of physical, psychological, and physiological factors in a runner's success.

Overall, "The Science of Running" is a valuable resource for runners of all levels, coaches, and anyone interested in the scientific foundations of the sport. It provides a comprehensive understanding of the intricacies of running, enabling athletes and coaches to make informed decisions and design effective training programs to reach their full potential.